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In October, fledgling company Maiden Air (Pty) Ltd announced they would be flying between South Africa and London four times a week from 14 December. The company offered travel agents attractive commissions on ticket sales of up to 12%.
Agents rejoiced: more seats, low fares - and great commissions! But alas, there was a flaw in the plan. Maiden Air was still in the process of applying for a Foreign Operator's Permit and, as it later emerged, had no aircraft. In the end Maiden was denied a permit and several agents were left out of pocket. As John Morrison, chief executive of the Airline Association of South Africa, points out: "It's unethical to sell tickets without a licence, otherwise any Tom, Dick or Harry could just start selling tickets."
But who cares about ethics?
Rob Williamson, CEO and sole stakeholder of Maiden Air, isn't just any Dick; he put in a lot of effort convincing the travel industry that his was a legitimate operation.
See for the full story. |